Judith Regan "Not Going To Take This Lying Down"

At least, that's what lawyer Bert Fields said when he announced yesterday afternoon that our favorite golden-gina'd battleaxe is going to sue the Jew cabal at HarperCollins for wrongful termination. He also contradicts HarperCollins lawyer Mark Jackson's assertions about the content of the phone conversation that prompted Regan's firing, and implied that he may have a tape of the conversation. "They should worry about that," Variety quotes him as saying.
Or maybe Fields is the one who should be worrying. He's been in trouble before for being involved in wiretapping— remember the whole Anthony Pellicano case back in February, when the feds investigated Pellicano, a private investigator long in Fields' employ, for illegally tapping phones in order to give Fields' clients (among others) an advantage in the courtroom? Well, whatever. We're thrilled to hear that there might be tapes of Regan's controversial conversation, and we'd be even more thrilled to hear it — if there's the slightest chance that Judy's husky voice screaming the words "Jewish cabal!" could become our new ringtone, it'll be a merry Hanukah indeed.
Regan, Fields Prep Firing Suit [Variety]
Lawyer to Celebrities is Subject of Inquiry [LA Times]