LOCKHART STEELE — Rounding out an admittedly East Coast-centric day on Valleywag, we emailed a group of NYC internerds and asked them to tell us about the more obscure blogs they're most enjoying these days. (Yes, we're ripping off finding inspiration from Fimoculous blogger Rex Sorgatz's Best Blogs of 2006 You're Not Reading post from a few weeks back.) Feast on the flotsam, after the jump.

Rosecrans Baldwin has edited The Morning News, one of the web's smartest daily reads, for quite a long time now.
· Foreign Policy's 'Passport': Better than Emergen-C.
· The Nonist: The goods bits from a fruit salad.
· Maria Kalman's occasional 'Principles of Uncertainty': I print out her drawings and pin them on the wall.

Ricky Van Veen is the editorial director of CollegeHumor.com. His personal blog, Get Excited, is a very special treat.
· John Mayer's Blog: Puts a lot of effort into his blog and keeps it personal and honest.
· Mindy Kaling (Kelly on "The Office")'s Blog: An earnest and charming blog about things she buys that she loves.
· TonyHomo.com: Amir, one of our writers, keeps a jealousy-fueled blog as former Dallas Cowboys starting QB Drew Bledsoe covering current starting QB Tony Romo. The domain name is the touch that knocks the concept out of the park.

Mark Graham, aka Uncle Grambo, writes the seminal celebrity blog Whatevs.org. He recently moved from Detroit to New York, where he's now embedded at VH1, working on a secret project rumored to be taking on TMZ.
· Corn Chips And Pie: If "erudite" and "crutidé" actually rhymed (and it's a crime they don't), it would be the perfect tagline for this wonderfully written and truly unique site.
· Passion Of The Weiss: For the last six weeks or so, no blogger has been hotter.
· Toybreaker: Satiates your inner avant goth artiste tendencies.

Rachel Sklar edits Eat The Press for the Huffington Post. She is Canadian.
· Penguins on the Equator: I'm loath to give up my secret, but Ankush Khardori's blog is really freaking smart.

Felix Salmon blogs about economics at Economonitor.com. He would like to recommend these finance/economics blogs, "many of which are much better than you might expect."
· Dean Baker's Beat the Press: Everything you suspected about economic reporting is true.
· The Bayesian Heresy: Brand new, but already challenging Mark Thoma's Economist's View for best economics weblog.
· Alexander Campbell's Over the Counter: One of the very few blogs associated with a print publication (Risk magazine) which really gets it right. Great, clear writing on very recondite financial instruments: not easy!

Other underappreciated gems welcome in the comments, so long as you're not self-linking.