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LOCKHART STEELE — So, Nick Denton's off to London for the holidays, leaving Valleywag in the hands of a mostly random coterie of bloggers for the next week. How best to introduce myself? Luckily, there's an annoying new blogmeme floating around this week. So I'll tag myself, then reveal Five Things Most People Wouldn't Know About Me on the other side of this link.

1) I'm the managing editor at Gawker Media, where I oversee the bloggers across the network of sites, but seldom get my hands dirty with actual blogging. Today should be interesting.

2) I'm better versed about what's going on in New York City internet circles than the Valley, so it's going to be kind of a NYC-centric day around Valleywag today. If that's not your thing, check back tomorrow. Or stick around anyway and watch me make a fool of myself. Who knows, might be funny. (And there's always Boutin's and Douglas's posts to look forward to.)

3) I was in San Francisco the fateful weekend over a year ago when we recruited Nick Douglas to write Valleywag. The recruiting trip included a late-night visit to a stripclub in a limo that Chris Batty, Gawker's advertising director, somehow procured on the street. This actually happened.

4) In summer 1994, I lived in Berkeley and interned at Mondo 2000. Obligatory geek cred, etc.

5) Yes, that's the name on my birth certificate. Thanks for asking.