The DJ Who Moves The WASPs To Breed

Did you ever wonder who DJs society events attended by the likes of Alexandra Kramer, Serena and Samantha Boardman, and of course "the young lady known to some as the Tinz (that's Tinsley Mortimer, or Mrs. Robert Livingston "Topper" Mortimer, to you)" ? Yeah, neither did we.
Well, anyway, according to the Times it turns out that it's this 58 year old guy named Tom Finn, who plays basically the exact same songs as the DJ played at your Bar Mitzvah, except with less Boys II Men:
At the Wonderland ball, he kicked off the dessert hour with Yvonne Elliman's "If I Can't Have You," then, halfway through it, segued into "Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Baby" by Barry White . . . Michael Jackson's "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" prompted a few more women to drag their husbands and dates onto the checkerboard, and they held the trains of their dresses and swung their elbows. Mr. Finn played "Bad Girls" by Donna Summer — "Paris Hilton's mother loves when I play this, and I always play it with the vocals low, because she likes to take the microphone and sing over it," he said — and then Madonna's "Vogue," "Dancing Queen" by Abba and "Bust a Move" by Young MC.
The goal of Mr. Finn's selections? Improbably enough, it's to make the women at these events feel "sexy sexy sexy." "I'm scoring the mating rituals for today's society. You can call these parties whatever you want, but it's really a WASP breeding party," he's quoted as saying. Jesus H. We knew these people sucked, but we never knew that, like, the Macarena made them frisky.
The DJ Who Moves The Movers and Shakers [NYT]
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