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Are you hungover? We are hung the fuck over. It pains us to even look at the screen today. Fortunately, it's Friday, which can only mean one thing: Blue States Lose! That's right, soothe your aching head with a palliative dose of hipster hatred. After the jump, Alex Blagg delves into the douchery of The Cobrasnake, Last Night’s Party, and Misshapes. Two aspirin, a shot of the last drink you had last night, and BSL: the perfect remedy.

10. The Cobrasnake. Who Fainted photo #7471: Hey, it's the Crockett & Tubbs of self-important Los Angeles twatwaffles!

9. Last Night's Party. Ra Ra Riot photo #5001: Effortless cool is indeed a detailed process.

8. Misshapes. December 2nd, 2006 photos #001: It's nice to know that if the whole DJing/fucking high school boys/being fabulous thing doesn't work out, Leotard Fantastik will still have a bright future in prop comedy.

7. Last Night's Party. Mansion Miami photo #4394: You probably work with her. Name's probably Carol. She probably sits in her cube all day, secretly poring over the hipster party pictures on sites like these, quietly dreaming about the one day that she too will have the opportunity to pour vodka all over herself while doing her best impression of an undignified slut. Her parents are probably proud.

6. Last Night's Party. Mansion Miami photo #3942: This girl thinks that just because she's blonde and calls everyone "bitch" that she's going to be the next Paris Hilton. And in the sense of getting fucked on film by some LA douchebaggy type, she probably will.

5. The Cobrasnake. French Junction photo #8404: I bet she was stunned to see this picture and discover that her drug problem could actually look cooler on film than it did in her mind.

4. Last Night's Party. Mansion Miami photo #4488: Well you look like a dumb whore anyway, so why not just go ahead show us your tits already?

3. Misshapes. December 2nd, 2006 photo #076: Only a few hours prior to the taking of this photograph, homefries looked at himself in the mirror and thought, "Yes."

2. Misshapes. December 2nd, 2006 photo #113: If Mr. Spock got beamed up to Don Hill's and found himself face-to-face with this jerk-off, I'm pretty sure he'd be like, "What the fuck are you wearing?", then shoot him with a laser.

1. The Cobrasnake. Birthday Banana photo #8121: Believe it or not, there are days when this job is hard. Days when I feel like I can't look at one more picture of another drunken moron. Days when it pains me to consider the fact that I'm only giving these douchebags the attention they so desperately desire. Days when it seems as if the entire world is evolving into one big carnival of blinding idiocy. Here's a picture of Steve Aoki and Lindsay Lohan.

Earlier: Steve Aoki Has A Fucking Blog