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Some readers have written in with updates about Paramount's CBS-Excluding Holiday Extravaganza, including reports of measures for throttling employees' alcohol consumption, an allegedly huge decorating budget, and whispers of a visitation by someone whose presence would be more buzzed about than a drop-in by the baby Jesus:

"They are also excluding all temps and contract workers. People who work here everyday, are regular and crucial members of their departments, can't go. Also, some insider info. The wristbands are just blue. There's no logo or anything on it. You can easily get these at any party supply store. Let's see some hardcore crashing and make Brad Grey really sweat!"

· "Some corrections: There will be alcohol at the party and they are handing out drink tickets just like last year—just so you don't get too drunk and lean your elbow on Brad Grey's head. There is also a rumor that Bono, Grey's friend, will be performing..."

· "Our Brad Grey XMas gift: a digital camera. Don't know the value. I'm sure eBay will provide clarity. Further, the rumor is that BG hired a decorator to take care of the Christmas decor to the tune of mid-six figures. Dunno if this is the real number or just disgruntled-assistant math, but either way, the lot is now the proud owner of a truly ridiculous, WHITE-CARPETED winter-wonderland lane running up behind the tree.

Building-to-building white carpet, folks. Apparently this is where we're spending our Cruise/Wagner savings.

PS: we get three drink tickets each. I guess the white carpet sucked up the booze fund."

Not that we would encourage anyone from the unwashed and uninvited CBS Corp masses to crash a party, but for the sake of argument, we imagine that a place like this, located just blocks away from the Melrose lot, might stock generic blue wristbands. Merry Christmas!