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  • Evil, Inc.'s Rupert Murdoch and Liberty Media's John C. Malone kiss and make up. [NYT]
  • NYT's Sulzberger tells investors to lick his left one. [NYP]
  • Ugly rumble at Jane editor Brandon Holley's fortieth birthday party. Happy Birthday, Brandon! [WWD]
  • Mickey Kaus takes time out from mocking Andrew Sullivan and Markos "Kos" Moulitsas to resume his long-running attack on CNN's Jonathan Klein. [Kausfiles, second item]
  • Newspapers tell readers what they want to hear. Which, in the Times case, is that women have small dogs. [NYT]
  • Subpar oral-sex provider Dave Zinczenko's advice book for the ladies isn't exactly licking sales charts up and down until they achieve climax. (Sorry.) [Radar]
  • Very touching tribute to CNET's James Kim. [CNET]
  • Andy Rooney's not a racist. A doddering old crank, sure, but not a racist. [CBSNews]
  • How much does it cost a celebrity to keep a picture of nose-pickage out of the papers? About $10.5 grand, if you're in Italy. [Guardian]
  • An idea so tacky we're shocked we didn't think of it first: Who's the hottest media wife? [MWD]