Power-PR lady Lara Shriftman—she of clients like Kimora Lee Simmons, Gwen Stefani's fashion line L.A.M.B., and, uh, OK! Magazine, and subject of that 1998 New York magazine article about the new breed of power publicists—has a MySpace page! Here's what she has to say about herself:

Working hard was my thing over here in Lala land, but now I've got a fab house in the hills and I know how to enjoy life. Family and friends have priority on my list and, on a clear Sunday I have been known to sneak over and take a hike in Runyon Canyon or zip over to the beach in Malibu to visit a good (or not so good) friend, long as it's at the beach! Warm weather, international travel and great parties are a must! I'm a go out girl, but yet a stay home chic [SIC], I've got two very distinct sides, but get it straight, I'm an Aries, not a Gemini!

Also, she likes Gwen Stefani (hello, client!), Sex and the City (yeah, no shit), and Jackie Collins novels. However, she only has 10 friends right now, so MySpace her up! For your convenience, we've done some screen grabs of her site after the jump, just in case she decides to do something rash, like take it down or whatever.

This image was lost some time after publication.
This image was lost some time after publication.
This image was lost some time after publication.

"Lulu" [MySpace]
Welcome to the Dollhouse [NYM]