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At yesterday's breakfast and sash-and-tiara fitting to celebrate THR's naming of resilient Sony Pictures co-chairman Amy Pascal as this year's Most Powerful Non-Penised Individual in Show Business, talk quickly turned from grand, mimosa-fueled plans of rising up and slaying the male oppressors who own the multimedia conglomerates for whom they thanklessly toil to a discussion of matters of much greater import to the Hollywood power-gal on the go:

"It's a miracle I'm here," said keynote speaker Maria Bello, star of "World Trade Center," in describing her hectic morning as a multi-tasking mom during which she finally got around to "shaving two-week old growth" under her arms.

"I still have two-week old growth," quipped fellow "World Trade Center" star Maggie Gyllenhaal, another keynote speaker who, like Bello, earned accolades for her role in the Oliver Stone-directed drama about the September 11 attacks.

Studio-controlling honorees from the upper reaches of the THR she-power list laughed heartily at the depilatory concerns of the talent caste, remembering a long-passed time when they didn't wield enough influence to demand that their third assistants tend to all of their personal grooming needs while on conference calls closing seven-figure script deals.