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Thanks to this week's sponsors, we can continue to bring you breaking reports about Jackson Pollis's nipples for another week. Interested in joining their valiant ranks? More info here. After the jump, we continue to sing their praises, and tell you how you can win a $150 gift card to the Levi's Store merely by sending an email. Sponsored by: Levi's Jeans The Original Definitive Jeans Brand. Find your Levi's Style Online:

To enter, just send an email to with the subject line Levi's Contest before Monday, December 4th. An email will be picked at random to win. By emailing your entry, you agree to our Contest Rules.

Our sponsors this week are Ali G DVD, The Beatles, Best Buy, Depeche Mode, Dewars, Escada, Fox
Searchlight, KT Tunstall, Levi's, LG VX8600, Mastercard, Moviefone, Rufus
Wainwright, Sprint, Sam Moore, Suretone, SV Supreme Vodka, Time Magazine,
Tom Waits, VW Rabbit.