• A group of Columbia journalism students allegedly cheated on an ethics exam. There go those cushy Voice gigs. [Radar]
  • They're not striking just yet at the Philadelphia dailies, although that may have changed by the time this item posts. [NYT]
  • Daily Show/Colbert Report executive producer Ben Karlin is leaving both shows, will be replaced at TDS by current head writer David Javerbaum. [Variety]
  • Another "whither newspapers" piece from Jack Shafer. You know what the best part of Jack Shafer's column is? That link at the bottom to "Shafer's hand-built RSS feed." It's like a big, glaring, "Fuck you, Slate!" Anyway, whatever, thought we'd share. [Slate]
  • Jon Friedman doesn't understand why people call Nick Kristof "sanctimonious." He seemed perfectly modest when Jon interviewed him! Honestly, how are Friedman's ears so fucking big when there's plainly nothing in between them? [Marketwatch]
  • The idea of a member of the Murdoch clan attacking anyone else for "megalomania" is as ironic as, well, cheating on an ethics exam. [Guardian]