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We've always been slightly confused/mildly curious about who joins a frat or sorority at Columbia—we always assumed Greek life was more for schools in the middle of nowhere, where people had nothing better to do with their time than do haze their fellow students in the middle of a cornfield—and now we sort of have an answer. Bwog—the Columbia blog for the student magazine, the Blue & White—has a feature where they profile two students each week as a sort of personals service, and this week they've done us the favor of profiling a sororitard and a frat guy. After reading the words of wisdom to emerge from their mouths, we've come to the conclusion that Columbia frat guys and sorority girls are just as boring as their counterparts at "lesser" schools. Oh, and they have awful taste in music.

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From Sarah, the sorority girl:

Top three songs according to iTunes' play count:
Bubbly Toes by Jack Johnson
Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Sexyback by Justin Timberlake

Describe your favorite pair of underwear. this appropriate? Well, if I have to: they are hot pink, lacey and from Victoria's Secret. I think that says it all.

Nightmare date in three words or less:
Short Man's Syndrome.

So, what are you doing after college?
I plan on staying in NYC and working here for a while. I'd like to go on to some sort of graduate school, either law or business, and eventually move to Washington D.C.


Her male counterpart is not only boring, but also thinks he's funny—a lethal combination:

Top three songs according to iTunes' play count:
"Josie" by Blink 182
"Real American" (Hulk Hogan Entrance song)
"Ms. New Booty" by Bubba Sparxxx

Nightmare date in three words or less:
With my girlfriend. (JK!)

Flight, invisibility, or X-Ray vision?
Flying, yo.

These two are made for each other ... yo.

Personals: Greek Edition [Bwog]