Looking at the Look Book: DW and Tasha Gibson Are Estimable Dorks

DW Gibson is a "writer" so not-famous that Google has never heard of him. His wife Tasha is a hottie and a professional chef. Life's not fair. After the jump, Intern Alexis rounds up Matteo Borghese, Matthew Schneier, and Lora Grillo to elaborate more on this point.
Matteo Borghese, Trophy Dad
What is an "estimable dork"?
The first to go if there's ever a dork pogrom.
Tasha schooled DW in the style department. What did DW "school" Tasha in?
Well, he's a really important writer who runs a writer's residency
upstate, so maybe he taught her how to exploit her parents' country
house in the Catskills in order to feign gainful employment.
What does DW stand for?
Who the hell knows? He was probably named after D.W. Griffith. In
fact, I bet his kids' book, Fundorado Island, is really just a
polemic against carpet baggers and their negro allies.
Why does this couple get so much press?
Who wouldn't want to read The Grand Street News's shocking
expose on their thrilling, scandalous lives? Those sexy ponchos and
blazers! Just thinking about DW and Tasha commuting from upstate to
their beautiful pre-war coop downtown is giving me an erection!
Matthew Schneier, saufstall
What is an "estimable dork"?
An estimable dork cannot be classified singly. However, as we can see
from DW, he may have any of several characteristics: no discernible
neck; an expression veering between giddiness and constipation; more
pockets than an LL Bean catalogue; et cetera.
Tasha schooled DW in the style department. What did DW "school" Tasha in?
The myriad possibilities of contemporary literature (i.e., where to
make out in Barnes & Noble).
What does DW stand for?
Nothing. Though born a pedestrian "Michael," DW has a more writerly
ring to it, so DW changed his nom de plume around the time he changed
his wardrobe. But those rejection letters that begin "Dear DW," still
Why does this couple get so much press?
Oh, please. The Grand Street News would profile a stop sign.
Lora Grillo DW
What is an "estimable dork"?
The "estimable dork" is a condition affecting aspiring writers with a
profound sense of entitlement. The worthy and, at this time
unacknowledged "estimable dork" author contingent join together at a
holistic learning center in upstate New York, right outside of
Rhinebeck. When on retreat, all "estimable dork" victims spend
countless hours debating the merits of Chuck Klosterman, deliberating
potential names for their unpublished debut novellas and preparing for
the abhorred "author interview." Mastering each stock retort with the
right blend of boredom and humility takes a great deal of practice,
but a preferred response among them reads; "I write fiction about
myself; the character is me, but distorted because I am not capable of
truly capturing myself... I just want to entertain the reader."
A clear sign of estimable dork syndrome is the decreasing visibility
of ones chin (this occurs in both men and women). Scarves are quite
useful when this occurs.
Tasha schooled DW in the style department. What did DW "school"
Tasha in?
DW showed Tasha how to stop worrying and love premature ejaculation.
An unfortunate detail in regards to most male — if not all -
"estimable dorks," is that they lack voluntary control over the
ejaculatory reflux. Understanding and emotional support was the only
way DW and Tasha were ever going to experience sexual satisfaction. DW
educated Tasha that open communication and caring would help things
between the sheets, at least until he is published.
Tasha in turn taught DW how to dress, appear tall in photographs and
say Cuba using the suitable "OO" sound.
What does DW stand for?
Dork Waffle
Why does this couple get so much press?
I think you might be confusing DW with Demetri Martin. A fellow dork
waffle, Demetri understands the merits of scarves, fitted blazers and
trying to appear tall in photographs. However, unlike DW & Tasha,
Demetri doesn't have the stomach for Ethiopian and Moroccan fare.