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Hawaiian Tropics Zone waitress Tina Marino will probably get made fun of about this Grub Street post for, among other things, being a ditz and openly admitting that she bears a striking resemblance to Tara Reid. Personally, we appreciate Tara's — sorry, Tina's! — honesty:

Do men ever speak out of turn?
The most common issue is men asking myself and other waitresses if their boobs are real, which puts you in an uncomfortable situation. Mine are, but a lot of the other girls' aren't!
How about women?
There was this table of women from out of town. I was like, "You guys really remind me of my mom and my family." This woman was like, "Oh, she should be real proud." I was like, "Excuse me?"
When you serve a couple, do the girlfriends get jealous?
We're always really attentive to the female. They tell us a million times, "Serve the females first. Make eye contact with her first."

We're hoping that Tina's straight talking doesn't get her fired or backstabbed by her fake-titted co-workers before we get a chance to avail ourselves of her tableside concierge services! She sounds like our kind of gal.

Hawaiian Tropics Zone's Tina Marino Probably Won't Be Sharing Her Life With You [Grub Street]