Burbank Police Use Hot Tip From TV Guide Channel To Ambush Snoop Dogg After 'Tonight Show' Appearance

Rapper Snoop Dogg's ongoing research-gathering mission into the inner workings of the LA criminal justice system returns to the scene of the crime (the Oct. 26 crime, to be exact, when he was arrested for possession of guns and weed at the Burbank airport, not to be confused with his Sept. 27 arrest at the Santa Ana airport for carrying a "deadly weapon"), when officers descended on the rapper as he left the NBC studios parking lot after an appearance on The Tonight Show:
The rapper was arrested for investigation of being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm, possessing cocaine, transporting marijuana and having a false compartment in his vehicle, Grandalski said.
"He was in a car pulling out of the studio" when police stopped him, said Donald Etra, the rapper's attorney. [...]
He made bail of $60,000 and was released shortly after 1 a.m. Wednesday, about seven hours after his arrest.
Something in the Burbank penal system needs to change, as whatever correctional measures they are attempting to enact now on the renegade rapper seem not to be working. On the contrary—each subsequent arrest seems to see Snoop upping the weapon and drug possession ante, to the point where the Doggfather and his entourage will soon find themselves pulled over on the 5 and being made to answer an officer's pointed questions as to why their caravan of Escalades come equipped with custom hood-mounted flame throwers, and horse trailers modified into mobile coca mulching labs hitched to the rear bumpers.