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An update to this morning's 'Toosage: A tipster writes,

Rubenstein is Hearst's agency of record for PR on the Tower, events, and corporate issues. They secured all of that sickening coverage of the new building. Interesting that they were okayed by Hearst Corporate to also take on Atoosa post-Seventeen. Could be some interesting e-mails going on between Hearst in-house PR (who manages Rubenstein relationship), the 'Toos, internal at Rubenstein, etc. It's shocking that Hearst PR would share Rubenstein with her. Maybe they ditched Rubenstein when they said we want to take on Atoosa?

We actually got off our metaphorical cyberasses for once and e-mailed a Hearst flack asking for comment, but comment came there none. We now appeal to those of you out there reading this who want to leak us something: You know where to send it. It does seem like something of a conflict, but maybe this departure is so amicable that Hearst is thrilled to share a PR agency with someone who has essentially declared her plans to compete with them down the road. Anyway, let us know!

Earlier: Atoosa Rubenstein Is Not A Brand In Crisis, Okay?