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Remember how, even when the rest of the paper sucked, you would still excitedly anticipate the Village Voice's Pazz & Jop music-critic survey each year? How it either confirmed your prejudices or made you think differently about something you had dismissed out of hand? How it served as a scouting report for fresh critical voices nationwide that (especially in the pre-Internet days) you might never have heard of otherwise? No? Just us? Well, whatever, we loved it. And one of our biggest worries when the new ownership came in and fired pretty much anyone with talent in the music section (Chuck Eddy and Bob Christgau in particular) was what would happen this year. We're not sure whether or not they'll even do a Pazz & Jop, but we are sure that if they do it'll blow (and be written mainly by music critics from the Columbia School of Journalism). That's why we're thrilled that the kids over at Idolator have picked up the ball and run with it. Curated by the brilliant Michaelangelo Matos, Idolator's Jackin' Pop (haha, get it?) Critics Poll "will maintain the Voice's thoughtfully anarchic approach to music criticism, merging it with the technological reach of Gawker Media." (Don't let that last part scare you.) Full details after the jump.

Who'll be voting? Quoth Matos: "The Pop Poll is open primarily to people who write regularly about music in print, for broadcast, or on the web," Matos says. "That means 'regularly'—if you haven't been writing lately, or limit your writing to discussion groups, we're probably going to pass. All requests will be considered, though." To be considered, send an email to and include your name, your email, links to your blog and/or some pieces you've written during 2006 (if you primarily write for print, the name of your outlet(s) and a short list of recent work would be great; URLs to web-available work is even better). If you write regularly already, we may well have your info. But a quick double-check never hurts."

We're pretty frigging excited about this, and for once we're not just saying it because the higher-ups are forcing us to. Take our word for it, this is gonna be good. And if it's not, well, it's Idolator's fault.

Time To Raze The Village: Announcing Idolator's 2006 Jackin' Pop Critics Poll [Idolator]

Earlier: Gawker's coverage of the Village Voice's decay