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We're not entirely sure what to make of a pair of photos that popped up on D-Listed today, supposedly depicting this year's Thanksgiving festivities at Shar Jackson's house, where ex-husband and round one babydaddy Kevin Federline allegedly showed up with a buxom, root-challenged blonde on his arm. Leaving room for the possibility that these pictures were from some Turkey Day past, and the mystery woman merely an au pair with a history of chronic back problems, we must admit that whoever she is, she seems impressively well integrated into the happy, abandoned family (save for one pouty, disaffected Eminem fan), and K-Fed has rarely been photographed looking quite so genuinely content as he does balancing an unidentified child, quite possibly of his own loins, on his shoulders, in a seasonal portrait that seems to embody the very spirit of his "Ladies look out...Fuck a wife, give me my kids, Bitch!" shower door Declaration of Pimp Independence.

UPDATE: We're told the unidentified woman is Shar Jackson's sister-in-law, not a Federline love interest.