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In the past, we've certainly had our suspicions about the horniness/party animalness of Columbia co-eds. We'd assumed, based on a potent mix of vicious stereotypes, personal experience, and stories in their paper of record, that Columbia students were just dorks whose idea of a raucous good time was reading excerpts from dirty poems aloud. But according to the Daily News, we were so, so wrong. Apparently, Columbia is a regular 24/7 bacchanal (if by bacchanal you mean "average American college")! They don't just show homemade, boring porn on their school TV channel, they have "clothing optional" parties and an S&M club! And just listen to this scandalously ribald quote:

One hostess, who staged a Halloween-themed 'Naked Witches & Warlocks Party' last month, called it a 'great unshackling from the clothing that so defines and imprisons us.' But it was a 'sex-neutral event,'she said.

Looks like we owe Awesomist an apology.

Wild Sex 101 [NYDN]