Several readers suggested that we celebrate this Thanksgiving by once again sharing last year's heartwarming story of how Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria helped a lucky Koo Koo Roo parking attendant get in the spirit of the holiday:

While picking up Koo Koo Roo mashed potatoes today I witnessed a fine example of Los Angeles kindness.

A woman who short-changed the parking attending by only giving him half of the required two dollars to leave the lot, yelled at him. (This was happening while she was trying to navigate her SUV and talk on the cell phone):

Attendant: "You only gave me a dollar?"

Shrew: "Jesus! It's Thanksgiving. Be nice. FUCK!"

And she drove off.

Yes. I swear it was... I kid you not...

Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria.

We hope that retelling this story will inspire all of our readers to join hands at their feasts tomorrow, bow their heads, and say the little prayer that Eva taught us: Jesus! It's Thanksgiving. Be nice. FUCK! After all, anyone can show up on Skid Row and hand out turkeys, but it takes a truly special individual to provide us with a ritual that will enhance the holiday for years to come.