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A confusing coda to the O.J./ReganBooks/NewsCorp. evilfest: Denise Brown, murdered Nicole's sister, opens up about the cash that somebody or other at NewsCorp. offered her family and Ron Goldman's family over the weekend. She claims to have said no way to the "like 'Oh, I'm sorry' money," which she interpreted as a bribe, though a NewsCorp. spokesman claims that there were no strings attached, and that the company was merely "looking for ways to help." Aww.

Meanwhile, O.J.'s lawyer is quoted in the Daily News article as saying that O.J. is about to "break his silence" (uh, what silence?) and grant "a couple of major interviews" about the situation. We're thinking a few details about what he might have talked about with Judith Regan might surface in those. Well, at least someone will be happy.

OJ Simpson Book Dead, but Accusations Still Fly [NYT]
Grease and Quiet [NYDN]
Earlier: Gawker's Coverage of the Whole Sordid Mess