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Not content with joining every other trash mag in the world in the multiple-covers gimmick, the New Yorker is also mailing out DVD copies of Al Gore's hippiefest documentary:

For some subscribers to the New Yorker, this week's edition brought an added bonus to the customary fill of cartoons, fiction, and news features: Stuck in the middle was a free DVD of Vice President Gore's documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth." The diskette, encased in cardboard and plastic wrapping, is taped to an advertisement promoting the film's DVD release tomorrow, with the tag line, "Own, Watch and Share It." A message on the inside of its cardboard cover urges recipients to watch, "share," and "donate" the film.The magazine could not confirm last night how many of its 1.06 million subscribers received the DVD, but a source said it may have been sent to a select subscriber group of about 1,500 "influential members of business, government, and the media."

Okay, we know you're out there: Which Gawker readers are influential enough to have received what will be this holiday season's most exclusive coaster? Brag about your demographic desirability here.

'An Inconvenient Truth' For New Yorker Readers [NYS]
Thanksgiving [NYer]