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News comes today (via the Daily News, natch) that nine Fox affiliates are refusing to show Judith Regan's OJ interview. Last week, Bill O'Reilly came out against the interview and book, promising never again to buy a product from any of the interview's sponsors. Fellow Fox "journalist" Geraldo Rivera joined O'Reilly in lambasting the interview, saying "I will bash this project every minute I have the opportunity to bash this project."
Post scourge Andrea Peyser, however, is sticking by her employer's guns:

O.J.'s need for the spotlight has led to his confession. Regan simply knew what questions to ask. For that, we owe thanks.

We'll have to remember that for our Thanksgiving toast. Maybe if we're as clever as Peyser, we'll also be able to work in something about how O.J. "hadn't had a black thought in decades." But that might verge just slightly on overkill.

O'Reilly Promises to Hurt Sponsors of 'O.J. Garbage' [Seattle Times]
Flak Won't Stop, But Fox Honchos Zip Lips on O.J. [NYDN]
Cheers, No Jeers, For OJ Expose [NYP]