Pity the poor geeks huddling together in hopes of being one of the first folks to get the new PlayStation 3. Adding to the indignity of standing on line for days (time that could be better spent masturbating to grainy images of Lara Croft), they're now becoming crime victims: A man was shot in front of a Connecticut Wal-Mart early this morning; Gizmodo runs down the rest of the craziness. Here in New York, however, the lucky throngs who were able to make it inside the SonyStyle store last evening (including Gawker videographer Richard Blakeley) found themselves in the presence of Sony Chair Howard Stringer, Ludacris, and comedian Charlie Murphy, who showed that there's humor to be found even in the sorry spectacle of aging virgins getting robbed. It's a performance you won't see anywhere else, unless some other website sent a guy with a videocamera.

1 shot in Conn. Playstation waiting line [AP]
PlayStation 3 Melee Watch: Campers Get Violent[Gizmodo]

Earlier: The Huddled Masses, Yearning for a Playstation 3