Judith Regan Bleaaaaaaarggghhh

Did you accidentally ingest poison this morning? Well, stop hunting around for the ipecac: Judith Regan has thoughtfully shared her opinion on the whole OJ-interview thing with her Newscorp buddies at the Post and it's the foulest, most sick-making thing we've ever read. REALLY. In it, she defends her decision to profit off of murder and suffering by telling a long sob story about how she, too, was the victim of spousal abuse. So try to follow the twisted logic here: Judith Regan is shoring up her position as an "advocate for women who have been victimized" (uh, except for the ones who've worked for her) by extracting a hedgy, if-I-did-it confession that will be 'duh' news to everyone. Also, If I Did It is a historical document, like Mein Kampf. Well, we're totally buying it! Blechh. Ok, but here's the money quote:
" And what went through my mind surprised me. Mental illness. Thought-process disorder. No empathy. Malignant narcissism.
In the years to come, I hope we will have a better understanding of this type of disordered personality. Are certain people simply born that way? If not, what goes wrong that changes them? How does this happen? And why?"
Yes, Judith. Maybe someday, we'll understand you.
Why I Did It by Judith Regan [NY Post]
New Low for the Hyena of Books [NYDN]