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Noted Amazon sockpuppet Alex K's Critical Shopper column contains a revelation: Alex isn't too classy to shop at H&M! Okay, she is. But she can stomach it for a little while if she wears earplugs. So she pops them in and prepares to brave the commoners and the distasteful smell of souvlaki. After all, she has a very important purchase in her sights:

I bought four pairs of the magnetic diamond earrings ($4.90 for two pairs), which I like to put in my nose occasionally so I can tell people that I finally — finally! — had my nose pierced.

Huh, well, we can totally understand Alex's refusal to actually get it pierced. After all, she totally hates having needles near her face.

Cheap Chic, If You Can Get It [NYT]
Earlier: Gawker's coverage of Alex Kuczynski