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Oookay, so, when Hearst employees whined to us that they wouldn't be getting their normal ration of shrimp at this year's holiday party, we took pity—though we also wondered what it's like to work for a real company, with a real holiday party. With real shrimp!

But the latest missive from the Foster Fortress leaves us feeling like the Hearsties are a bit ... how you say ... well, spoiled would be one word for it. To wit:

Hearst has been encouraging everyone to give money to United Way, and today I received my gift for my contribution. They actually gave us one of those cheesey [sic] LIVESTRONG look alike bracelets that is grey and says "Hearst Corporation" and "United We Give."

More whining after the jump.

The best part is, if you wear your bracelet to the cafeteria on Wednesday or Friday you receive a free item which translates to a lousy bag of sun chips. In addition, they also gave us a card with 15% off to a couple lame restaurants around the city, but you must be careful when you use the card because some of the restaurants have blackout dates. Honestly, why did they give us the gift at all?

Yes, we always expect lavish presents after we donate to charity. Besides, we like Sun Chips. Can we borrow that bracelet?

Earlier: Hearst Makes Already-Tight Belts Tighter Just In Time For the Holidays