New Orleans-Hating 'GQ' Guy Meant 'Burn This City To The Ground' As Constructive Criticism

A quick update on the Alan Richman contretemps. You'll remember that Richman, the ne plus ultra of bitchy dining critics, wrote a piece in GQ about New Orleans wherein he decided that, since someone fucked up his wine order, we should let the city rot. Predictably, the piece caused some controversy in the Crescent City, occasioning this blistering response from New Orleans Times-Picayune food guy Brett Anderson. On the internet, the food blog Appetites sent an e-mail to Richman, to which he responded; it turned into a full-blown interview. Richman admits that he got a few things wrong (true), claims that some of his jibes were tongue-in-cheek and misinterpreted (also true), and lets off a withering attack of his own on Anderson and the Times-Pic. In the main he sticks to his guns; whatever your particular thoughts on the merits of the initial article (and our thoughts were a slightly more emphatic version of "Blow me"), this interview makes for some interesting reading. Fun fact: Richman used to cover the NBA.
Interview with Alan Richman
Renowned restaurant writer rips New Orleans but only embarrasses himself [NOT-P]
Earlier: 'GQ' Critic: Lousy New Orleans Restaurants Make Me Question Rebuilding