Andrea Peyser is pissed off. She's usually angry about something, but today what's got her knickers in a twist (sorry for that mental image) is the naming of the new stadium in which the Mets will play. As is so often the case in the sporting world these days, the Mets have sold naming rights to a corporation. This does not sit well at all with Ms. P.

Mets Vice President David Howard was the first to say it out loud. The stadium, he said, will wear the "Citi brand." Good lord. But this is New York, people, not Des Moines. It's not even New Jersey - something I thank my maker for every day. And in this town, we call a sporting venue Madison Square Garden - not Staples Center. It's Yankee Stadium, for chrissakes, not Continental Airlines Arena!

Well, sure. We could mention Ebbets Field, named after the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers, but for the most part she has a point, this is one of the first examples of corporate branding in the city.What totally caught our eye, though, was the photoshopped version of Peyser in a Mets cap that ran in the paper.

This image was lost some time after publication.

She should wear blue more often: It really brings out the shrieking harridan in her eyes.

The Mets' New Marquee Name [NYT]