Britney Sex Tape Update, With Bonus Jay McCarroll Insight
According to this Fox News clip, Britain's News of the World (which, like Fox, is owned by NewsCorp, which we guess makes this more of an 'ad' than a news story), has offered K-Fed $50 million for a "four hour" tape of him playing chess with — oh, and boning — Britney on their honeymoon. Watch for more explainy-talk from the newsbots, plus some vintage Plastic Jumpsuit Tour stock footage.
So is a Britney sex tape really worth $50 million? Well, let's poll its potential target audience: ridiculously gay Project Runway winners. "I hope the Britney sex tape is real," Rush & Molloy quote Jay McCaroll as saying. "Kevin Federline is so flippin' hot, I just don't know what to do with myself." Yes, Jay, our thoughts . . . exactly.