'Borat' Frat Boy Might Have Thought About Removing Highly Incriminating MySpace Evidence Before Filing Lawsuit

While his lawsuit may name him only as a John Doe, the tireless, truth seeking netizens at The Smoking Gun have identified one of the frat boys suing the makers of the Borat movie as Justin Seay, 24, whom you may recall as the portliest good ol' boy of the bunch. TSG has posted 8 photos from his MySpace profile, each featuring Seay in various stages of apparent shit-facedness, and always with a drink in his hand. Taken together, they suggest a fun-loving and irrepressible people-person, though they also provide overwhelming visual evidence that works against Seay's claims that he was coerced by producers into the heavy drinking that would ultimately make him do and say foolish and offensive things in a hit Hollywood comedy. This is clearly a man as proud of his love of libation as he is of his Southern heritage, as evidenced by that dorm room poster featuring John Belushi's iconic, Animal House crapulence accompanying a mounted T-shirt that hints at the pro-Confederate sentiments he and his buddies expressed to their Kazakh drinking buddy while under the influence of his cynically proferred moonshine.