Ah, it's time again for our periodic exercise in fake erudition, made even faker this time by the fact that the book we're leafing through together is barely a book at all. No, it's Courtney Love's diary-thing, which, where it's legible, is fascinating in a perverse way. Lucky for you, we're good at deciphering Courtney Love's handwriting — it's one of our useless talents, right up there with being able to fit our entire fist into our mouth. Annnnyway. After the jump, C. Love engages in some J. Frey random Capitalization and we do our laughing at it thing.

Courtney, ever secretive and private, has seen fit to share a desperate pitch letter to a record label with the world.

Dear The Right Guy at 4AD,

This is our band Hole. We have 3 guitars. Jill ar bass plater played in Sylvia Juncos and Superheroines me, I started Babes in Toyland with my friend Kat and even used to be the singer in Faith No More which is a Fairly cheesy thing to go around boasting About but i really will do just about anything for us to get a Good Old Fashioned color seperation LP on a Nice Firm label like yourself's wich includes (apparently) boasting about cheesy things.

Maybe you'll really like our single all on its own and you'll say "All Right You Girls Go make a Record' and you wont hold it Against me that I used our Ex bands to get a leg up. or down, actually in the case of the one ex band, but im only telling you this to get ahead.

all right man

C Love-Hole

& all Holes

Earlier: Gawker's coverage of Courtney Love