The Times takes a look at Bill Maher's recent appearance on Larry King, where

he and Mr. King discussed several of the factors contributing to the Democrats' election victory the day before, among them scandals involving several Republicans, including Representative Mark Foley. Mr. Maher then began to speculate on the sexual orientation of some high-ranking Republican officials, and Mr. King, seeming to forget that he was on the air, asked for names. The comments were broadcast live, but CNN's rebroadcast of the show later that evening cut a portion of Mr. Maher's remarks.

The paper goes on to mention that a video clip of the segment, in which Maher suggested that retiring RNC Chief Ken Mehlman is gay, has been removed from YouTube (although, should you still wish to hear Bill Maher name retiring RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman a homosexual, HuffPo still has a clip). While the Times itself does not bring up retiring RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman as the person named as gay, they may just be following CNN's lead: "CNN said that while the network was not responsible for Mr. Maher's initial comments, it could be held responsible for republishing them without further research."

We'd suggest they research retiring RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman. From what we've heard from Bill Maher, he's gay.

Some Names Were Named, but Not for Long [NYT]