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VISA and Mastercard may have shut off credit payments at the controversial, illegal-everywhere-but-Russia-and-possibly-in-Russia-too cheap music site (where users pay about 10 cents a song for popular, mostly American music that sure as hell isn't properly licensed).

But the site won't give up yet — they e-mailed frustrated users offering a way to launder their cash through partner company Xrost. Now it's just three steps from credit card to $1 albums. The full e-mail is below.

We're sorry, our payment system is not accepting credit card payments at
the moment.

At the moment you can add money to your balance on the site of our
partner You can make payment via Mastercard, Diners, JCB,
Maestro, Solo, Switch, STB. Please use this link
We'll inform you when the Visa payment will become available.

You can refill your Allofmp3 balance either with credit card or even
with cash - via Xrost service. Xrost sells online prepaid iCards that
can be immediately redeemed at Allofmp3. Xrost iCards can be funded by
trusted international pay systems which accept both credit cards and
cash (if you don't have a credit card or don't want to use it online at
You will even receive a bonus of 10% if you redeam Xrost iCards with us.
You need to purchase a prepaid icard of desired value at web
After successful payment you can find your icard details (pin code and
claim id) on the Orders page of site and then redeem this
icard on the balance page of our site:

Best regards,

Earlier: AllofMP3: Going down in a blaze of glory [Valleywag]