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An item in this week's Observer alluded to the existence of a secret reservations line for the Waverly Inn, Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter's new-old restaurant in the West Village, and quoted a "Hollywood high-up" as saying:

"There are three ways you can get a table at Graydon's new restaurant," he said. "You can either be invited to the restaurant. Or you can call him at his personal office and try to get a reservation. Or you can roll the dice and be a walk-in. But the listed phone number won't get you anywhere. It just rings."

There's some truth to that statement. We did some real! live! reporting ourselves, and found a few listed numbers for what we've taken to affectionately referring to as Graydon's Lair. One ... had been disconnected. Two ... was a fax machine. Three ... did not just ring, as the NYO's tipster claimed. It was a recording that gave directions to the restaurant! If you are arriving by car, we learned, go to the corner of Bank and Greenwich. And, the eagle flies at midnight, etc.

How to Get a Table at Graydon Carter's Restaurant [NYO]