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In a Vancouver suburb shooting Blonde and Blonder (a movie co-starring Pamela Anderson, and described, for those of you too blonde and/or dumb to figure it out, as "Legally Blonde meets Dumb and Dumber"), former Charlie Sheen trampoline partner Denise Richards went on a computer-hurling rampage when she discovered two paparazzi had managed to infiltrate the movie's closed set:

Hollywood actress Denise Richards hit an 80-year-old woman in a wheelchair with at least one flying laptop Wednesday while battling paparazzi during the filming of her new movie at the River Rock Casino in Richmond.

"She grabbed their two laptops and threw them off a balcony," [Richmond RCMP spokesman Cpl. Peter Thiessen said], noting there appeared to be a history between Richards and the photographers.

Thiessen said the 80-year-old woman was one floor below Richards when she was hit but said she was not badly hurt and is not interested in laying charges.

While celebrities have every right to take up laptops and defend themselves against an increasingly emboldened paparazzi insurgency, this latest escalation—in which elderly, invalid civilians are now finding themselves the innocent maiming victims of a hail of tumbling, blunt-edged ThinkPads—makes us wonder if the senseless violence has finally gone too far. The last thing our hair-trigger culture needs is for some starlet to catch wind of this story about the deflective and pliable qualities of the aged and infirm, only to push the closest wheelchair-bound senior citizen into traffic in a misguided attempt at putting some space between themselves and their telephoto-equipped pursuers on their next high-speed, paparazzi-fleeing adventure.