Hollywood BaldwinWatch: Daniel Back On The Streets

Perpetually troubled, lesser Baldwin brother Daniel has already posted bail in conjunction with yesterday's arrest for drug possession and the theft of an SUV (though one could convincingly argue that it isn't really stealing if one is just borrowing a friend's car without permission to go on a quick crack run, with the intent to return if it isn't somehow lost in the transaction), putting the most self-destructive member of the celebrated clan back on the streets of Santa Monica. It's now up to you, the sharp-eyed residents of the beachside municipality where Baldwin is most likely to fall back in with undesirable elements, to monitor him for suspicious behavior. Should you see Baldwin either entering or exiting a motel or in the act of driving an automobile—two activities that almost certainly indicate that he's in the middle of a dangerous relapse—it's your responsibility to contact the local authorities and do your part to keep your community free of the scourge of unemployed actors trying to score drugs, a social blight that should be confined to less desirable neighborhoods like Hollywood.