Tabloid Wars: 'News' Tops 'Post' On Alternate Thursdays Between Hours Of Five and Seven

Great news! The Daily News, reports the Daily News, is still on top, circulation-wise, provided you squint and use a different system of metrics than the Audit Bureau of Circulations:
The News has more than twice the number of readers in the metropolitan area as the Post on Sundays, according to the latest Scarborough Report, an independent organization that measures newspaper readership. The News averaged 2,724,300 readers every Sunday during the period Sept. 1, 2005 to Aug. 31, as compared to the Post's 1,187,100. The latest Scarborough data, which canvases the Designated Market Area (DMA) - the five boroughs and 24 surrounding counties - also shows that The News continues to dominate readership during the week, recording 2,482,900 readers Monday-to-Friday in the DMA compared to the Post's 1,914,300.
We've yet to hear which paper surrounding-county homeless prefer to bed down on, but we have no doubt that Bay Shore bag ladies choose the News!