Hollywood BaldwinWatch: 'The Troubled One' Arrested Again

Today's Santa Monica Daily Press brings the seemingly inevitable news (you can read a PDF file of the story here) that troubled, lesser Baldwin Daniel was once again arrested on drug possession charges in Santa Monica, the actor's preferred location for all of his narcotics-related busts, when police officers correctly identified the red flag represented by Baldwin emerging from a generically named hotel (this time it was the Santa Monica Motel, last time the Ocean Side Inn) in the middle of the day, quickly determined that the car he was driving had been reported stolen, and raided his room, where they found an illegal substance they demurely refused to identify, but which almost certainly rhymes with "crack." Kudos to the Daily Press for spicing up this otherwise thoroughly mundane story by comically perching Baldwin's image directly on their banner (pictured), then finding a way to tie it to yesterday's various, hotter Britney Spears stories by using the teaser, "Oops, he did it again." Nicely played.