Debutard Derby: 'Social' Reality Show?

There are four horsemen of the apocalypse. Related: there are, according to the Post, "five socialites . . . competing in a real-life challenge to win the starring role in a TV series titled 'Social.'" Keira Chaplin, Fabiola Beracasa, Melissa Berkelhammer, Gillian Hearst-Shaw and Tinsley Mortimer were
taped Monday at Lexington Bar & Books as they read the script for the pilot written by Andrew Lepera. The story concerns a high-society beauty who goes on a bad date with a gossip columnist. After she declines to sleep with him, he trashes her in his column, and she later punches him in the face.
Now that's what we call business-climbing! And if the show is picked up, there are "twelve other episodes" in the pipeline. Oh, kill us now, before we die of happiness! Refamiliarize yourself with some of the contestants' greatest hits, after the jump.
Presented here: the five debutards, and some of the dumbest things they've ever said (that we know of. We're sure these ladies one-up themselves every time they open their mouths).
Melissa Berkelhammer:
My parents enable me to live the lifestyle that I do. I don't think that there is anything wrong with that. I am grateful that I have the luxury to follow my dreams, which, of course, I am still trying to figure out what they are, and not work at some job that I hate because I need to support myself.Tinsley Mortimer:
About two years ago I started curling my hair and wearing it pinned to the side. I became associated with that and with a certain kind of overly girly style: baby-doll dresses, pouf skirts and Mary Janes. Right now my hair is straight. I have to get it curled so I can leave the house.Fabiola Beracasa:
Something simple that I love: courtesy, fresh picked berries and most of all random acts of kindness!Keira Chaplin, on great-grandpa Eugene O'Neill:
It's amazing how he can focus on one place and pack in so much emotion. In 'Long Day's Journey Into Night' he boils his entire life down into one day. It's an amazing thing to do.Gillian Hearst-Shaw on Fashion Week:
Fantastic show and the best part was watching people come to their seats. I was seated next to Jamee Gregory and Carol Petrie as well as Bettina Zilkha. Around me were Debbie Bancroft and Zani Gugelmann. Best part was seeing Joan Rivers who I adore. She also introduced me to Liza Minelli which was the highlight of the night.
Whoever they pick, we'll all be winners. Whee!