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There's a curious incident in today's Post dating column. A lucky dumbass is faced with the following dilemma:

What do you do when a girl you just started dating (and you really dig) approaches you with the idea of having a threesome with her good and hot friend? Do you go forward, since this will probably never happen again? Or do you say "no," because it is either a test or you think it will jeopardize your future?

The frazzled Post Man goes back and forth for a before suggesting

Do it. Turn the tables and test her. Ask her if she and her friend have ever done this before and how often. Then, if she's more into the girlfriend when you're all horizontal, you've got some bisexuality going on here. While that could be really, really hot, it might bite you in the relationship butt later. Literally. It's better to know that now.

First of all, how does he know that the hot friend isn't a dude? Second, "you've got some bisexuality going on here," is one of our favorite phrases ever. We're kind of loving this NewsCorp obsession with searching out homosexuality in all its forms. We're dying to hear what their Christmas party's going to be like.


Earlier: Fox 5 Not Afraid To Ask Hard Probing Question About Your Gay Husband