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  • Bill Gates goes in with a Saudi prince to offer $3.7 billion for the Four Seasons. Or as someone put it on Reddit, "Gates uses monopoly money to buy hotels." [Washington Post]
  • Newsflash! USA Today says that in this world of increasing gadgetitude, people don't like tech support! Actually, the stats are disturbing: "About 85% of those polled said they've become so flustered, they've ended up swearing, shouting, experiencing chest pains, crying or smashing things." [USA Today]
  • What do you do when your company's stock price plummets from over $77 to under $15? Well, if you're, first you sue a hedge fund and a research firm for bad publicity. Then you admit your site's no good. And then you announce that you may soon ask for more funding. [NY Times]
  • PayPal, sick of supporting eBay while divisions like Skype sucked all the money from the company, says it will offer $100 million in holiday rebates and free shipping. It's a Christmas thank-you to all the customers who didn't bomb their HQ. [LA Times]