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What with an important election coming up and all, the local Fox affiliate last night decided to air an in-depth examination of the day's vital question: Is your husband gay? (Or, to put it in their parlance, "Is the man of your dreams dreaming of another man?") There's video on the website, but there's also an accompanying "checklist" of clues that might provide you with answers. As a public service, we reproduce it after the jump.

  • You have a normal sexual appetite, but your mate thinks you have excessive sexual needs.
  • There is a decline of sexual activity early in your marriage.
  • Your husband is repulsed by normal sexual activity.
  • Your mate admits to having had more than two homosexual encounters.
  • Your husband reveals he's bisexual.
  • Your partner visits gay bars claiming he's there only to hang out with his gay friend(s)
  • Your mate watches porno movies with gay males.
  • Your mate makes continual homophobic comments.
  • Your partner's ego appears to be boosted by compliments from gay men.
  • Also, "likes taking it in the ass," "big Peter Allen fan," etc. We're particularly interested in meeting a guy who "watches porno movies with gay males" and "makes continual homophobic comments;" it could be like a Sean Delonas version of Mystery Science Theater 3000.
  • Gay Husband Checklist [MyFoxNY]