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"At Blu-ray backer LG's annual dealer show, a previously announced LG Blu-ray player was nowhere to be found. LG product development director Tim Alessi had this to say: 'we will provide an announcement when the time is right.'" — Slashdot

What Alessi meant, of course, was "We are so behind." Maybe there's an equipment shortage, or maybe they're just running on the Microsoft launch schedule. But for future reference, here's a list of ways to cover your ass.

  • When: You want to stonewall reporters on an insightful question. Say: "We are currently investigating the matter internally." Risk: You investigate, you commit fraud while doing so, and your CEO ends up stonewalling Congress, which is not so easy.
  • When: Someone leaked how much you spent on an acquisition. Say: "We do not comment on rumors or speculation." Risk: Reminding everyone that you thrive on rumors and speculation.
  • When: You need to divert attention from your upcoming iPhone. Say: "Here's the new iPod nano (Product) RED!" Risk: None, you're Apple, you're golden.

Blu-ray's Hardware Woes Stacking Up [Slashdot]