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As we mentioned this morning, Mark Hurd didn't give much of an answer to questions from the chairman of a Congressional panel investigating his company's spying scandal. Here's a more thorough compilation of highlights from Hurd's answers, taken from the Wall Street Journal's copy of the document.

  • "I do not know exactly how long"
  • "I did not attend the entire meeting"
  • "I do not have any reason to believe"
  • "I do not know"
  • "I cannot say"
  • "at some meeting someone mentioned"
  • "I would like to make clear that I am not certain"
  • "I do not specifically remember"
  • "Not that I recall."
  • "Not that I recall."
  • "Not that I recall."
  • "In retrospect, I wish that I had been more focused"
  • "I do not remember the exact words used and do not recall any discussion"
  • "Not that I recall."
  • "Not that I recall."
  • "I cannot provide any further explanation"
  • "I did not have any specific understanding"
  • "I did not give any further thought to the issue"
  • "I cannot say"
  • "I do not recall"
  • "I did not think"
  • Part 10, subpart (c): "I did not have an understanding one way or the other"
  • "See answer to subpart (c)."
  • "Not that I recall."
  • "I am not aware"
  • "I cannot say without speculating"
  • "I do not recall"
  • "Not that I recall."
  • "I do not recall"
  • "No."
  • "I learned only after the conclusion"
  • "I do not recall exactly when I learned that fact or how I learned it"
  • "I do not remember asking how phone records for my HP-owned phone were obtained."

Earlier: HP's Hurd heard nothing, nothing! [Valleywag; photo by Getty Images]