Terror-Freedom Index: The Breakdown

At Fox News, it's an established trope that freedom is on one side, and terror is on the other. We're in a actual shooting war of freedom versus terror, after all, and that's one idea that Fox has no interest in evaluating in a "fair and balanced" manner. But the unfortunate truth is that freedom gets undervalued by those who supposedly enjoy it and dismissed by those who do not covet it. Terror, on the other hand — well, everyone is interested in terror. In fact, terror is's best friend. After the jump, Intern Mary examines the October mentions of "freedom" versus "terror" versus site traffic on Fox News's online portal, where it seems that terror beats freedom on every single day. Site Traffic: Freedom vs. Terror, October 2006
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October was a grim month for the United States in Iraq — not to mention for the Iraqis. Freedom takes a beating from terror, with some spikes in terror more than doubling the laggard statistical dimples of freedom. Fortunately,'s traffic spikes right along with the terror. Those terrorists will find that freedom is a lot easier to defeat than the forces of Rupert Murdoch, for whom freedom is, really, just a word.