Tabloid Wars: Pink Paper, Purged Publicist, Praise 'Post'

At right, an ad in today's Post that reproduces an editorial from yesterday's Observer. The pink sheet congratulated the Post for its recent rise in circulation, saying that "the paper has worked overtime to create a voice that appeals to its readers, capturing both the street-smart and the smart-aleck, while becoming a brash player in the political arguments of our age." It's heartening as it is to see one money-hemorrhaging organization salute another; we can't wait until the Observer finally reaches profitability by shedding half its staff and the Post reciprocates with a similar reach-around. Celebrations continue in the nation's fifth-largest paper, which runs a gossip item quoting Donna Dees, the recently-axed News flack. "If I were still there," she says of her former employer, "I most likely would have been under my desk drinking kamikazes and committing hara-kiri instead of at Nobu noshing on sushi and sipping sake." We're not sure why Zuckerman canned Dees: we can count at least three alliterations in that one sentence alone. Talent like that is hard to come by.
The Post Makes News [NYO]
Happy Escapee [NYP]