Trade Round-Up: Viewers Prefer Texas High School Football To Overly Serious Sketch Comedy

Because Steven Soderbergh's Che Guevara biopic jones couldn't possibly be satisfied by directing just a single film, he's doing two, The Argentine and Guerilla, with Benicio del Toro as the title character whose image you've long admired on the T-shirt racks of Urban Outfitters. [Variety]
Friday Night Lights easily outperforms the "ratings troubled" Studio 60 during its (alleged) one-week tryout in Studio's Monday night timeslot (with an episode titled "GIT'ER DONE," no less—is there no end to Aaron Sorkin's pain?). Draw whatever dire conclusions you wish about the fate of 60 based on this result, but know that at least NBC's online schedulers are still optimistic about the series' prospects of returning next week. [THR]
Wondering where your hilarious collection of Daily Show and Colbert Report YouTube clips have disappeared to? Ask Viacom, the company that isn't particularly interested in your enthusiasm for sharing your favorite moments from its shows. [Variety]
· The National Labor Relations Board issues a complaint against the Writers Guild for telling TV writer-producers not to cooperate with NBC Universal TV Studios' demands to produce webisodes until the studio agrees to start paying residuals. The Guild insists it's done nothing wrong, while NBC Uni is pleased by the NLRB's initial support of their desire to squeeze free work from their writing staffs. [THR]
Lindsay Lohan gets another chance to impress a new crew and co-stars with her professionalism, joining Keira Knightley in The Best Time of Our Lives, the story of Dylan Thomas' relationship with his wacky, gun-and-grenade-wielding friends. [Variety]