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  • For a quarter-million partiers from in and out of San Francisco, it's Halloween in the Castro!!! Um, or maybe not. Beware, the SFPD will be cracking down on revelers tonight, so don't, don't, drunkenly hit on that sexy cop.
  • Stay home and geek out — carve a Mac O'Lantern. Pictured: more Woz than you can handle.
  • Enjoy one of the greatest horror films ever made. Evil Dead 2 plays tonight at the Red Vic Movie House (1727 Haight Street, SF). Showtimes are 7:15 and 9:15.
  • The Zend/PHP Conference and Expo is overpriced at $1195 (one day for $650) but we think you should try to crash the Facebook After Hours party anyway. It's Halloween — go in costume. Wear footie pajamas and bring a teddy bear. Tell everyone you're founder Mark Zuckerberg and refuse to budge until someone offers you $2 billion.

By Megan McCarthy