Alex K and the Bee, Foiled Again

Life isn't so bad for New York Times Style writer Alex Kuczynski these days, what with the release of her book, Beauty Junkies, going cold turkey on the needle and all. What more is there for her to accomplish? Why, to win the Council Of Literary Magazines & Presses Spelling Bee, of course.
Astute readers will remember that she was knocked out of the competition last year under rather suspicious circumstances. Surely this would be the year she avenges her loss.
But alas, she was a no show at last night's competition. The reason? She took a nap and the alarm did not go off. Innocent mistake? Perhaps. But we smell sabotage.
After the jump, photograph from last night's spelling bee, featuring our second favorite fake writer and eventual winner Robert Sietsema of the Village Voice.

A Better bee [CLMP]
Alex Kuczynski Victim of Spelling Bee Cabal?
Gawker's non-stop Alex Kuczynski coverage